Company B Policy Statement

This is the document that details specific Policies of the unit. These policies are to be agreed upon by a majority of the membership, and may only be permanently changed by such a majority at an official business meeting with a quorum present as per the Regimental Bylaws.

The Regimental Bylaws will at all times take precedence over Company policies whenever a conflict arises, and the Regimental Board of Directors will resolve any disputes that arise because of such a conflict.

The ranking Company officer, NCOs, and Civilian Coordinator are responsible for ensuring that these policies are followed at all times, but may grant temporary exemptions within the scope of their authority on a case-by-case basis, bearing in mind that they may be questioned and held accountable for exemptions by the membership.

1) Safety:

A) Bayonets and side knives will be sheathed at all times except such times as deemed appropriate and safe by the ranking field officer.

B) Powder charges for weapons will be set to a maximum of 60 grains for 58 caliber weapons (90 grains for 69 caliber weapons). Oversized charges or multiple charges are strictly prohibited.

C) Ramrods and/or paper wadding (or wonder-wads for pistols) will not be used in a situation except such times as deemed appropriate and safe by the ranking field officer.

D) Hand-to-hand combat is strictly prohibited unless prearranged by the ranking field officer.

E) Weapons will not be aimed at individuals at ranges closer than 25 yards. The norm is to "elevate" your weapon in those circumstances.

F) Discipline and proper procedure/body positioning while loading and firing will be strict and maintained with careful observation by field officers and NCOs.

G) Until the proper sequential commands for ready, aiming, and firing are given, all loaded weapons will be kept at HALFCOCK (the "safe" position) and fingers will be kept out of the trigger housing. THIS IS MANDATORY, no matter what a ranking Battalion officer orders!

H) Capping the weapon will always be the last step of the loading procedure.

I) Cap boxes and cartridge boxes with paper cartridges are required. Cartridge boxes must have proper tins in them to contain loose powder and restrict possibility of flashing.

J) Officers, NCOs, and file closers will check "casualties" to insure no real injuries have been sustained.

K) Modern (6-wing) percussion caps are not allowed on the field.

L) You must (!!!) have at least one full canteen of water on your person to take the field.

M) A Company Ordnance officer will inspect all weapons on a daily basis. If they do not pass, they cannot be carried on the field.

N) We march on the field as a unit; we march off as a unit. Members must give EVERY effort to be accounted for at the end of a battle. If a member cannot march off the field, someone will be assigned to stay with them to return to camp. There are NO exceptions to this rule. EVERYONE must be accounted for! If you must fall out of ranks (before the battle, during the battle, or after), let someone know!

O) All weapons will be "cleared" before leaving the field.

P) Enlisted men may only carry "3 band" rifle-muskets. Officers only may carry pistols and swords. The 1st and 2nd Sgt may carry "2 band" rifles or carbines at their option. Exceptions may be granted for specific Living History or impression scenarios.

Q) The Company requires that a member be 15 years of age before bearing arms, and any member under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or an adult who takes full responsibility for the minor. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis by the ranking Field Officer, depending on the maturity of the individual and the event situation.

R) All members are required at all times to have on their person, an index card with full identification, contact information, and medical information. This should be in the haversack or pocket. Any possible health conditions that may affect you on the field should be made known to the ranking field officer if it is possible you may have a problem. This will be kept in strict confidence, but it is imperative we know if you have a heart condition, diabetes, etc. Your failure to communicate this may leave you at risk.

S) The camp will at no time be left unattended. The ranking officer or NCO will always make sure someone is in camp to make sure property is guarded and persons safe.

2) Authenticity:

A) All members are expected to be in period-appropriate clothing and use period-appropriate gear and packaging during spectator hours. While a certain degree of individual freedom and creativity is acceptable, the unit commander reserves the right to disallow any impression deemed to be inappropriate. Modern tobacco use should be kept out of public sight during these times and cigarette butts field-stripped and pocketed for later disposal. Members will make every reasonable effort to minimize modern anachronistic clothing and gear during "off times" such as at night or breakfast hours. All members are responsible for policing this; it does not matter whose soda can it is, get rid of it! The 12th Va Co. B has separate written authenticity policies for military and civilian members, and all members should follow those to the best of their ability.

B) The 12th Virginia uses Gilham's Manual as our prescribed style of drill. All military members are expected to regularly participate in drilling exercises, and learn to be proficient at such. Failure to participate in drill may preclude you from taking the field with us.

C) All members will respect the Regimental and Company chain of command when the Company is in character and will serve the Company at the pleasure of the commanding officer. Permission of the Company commander will be required should any member wish to go on detached duty status at an event.

D) Females are welcome to take the ranks as soldiers, but must take every effort to disguise their gender as was done in the time period.

3) Attendance, voting, dues, and officers:

A) The Company requires each member to attend two battle re-enactments, or one battle re-enactment and one living history, to obtain the privilege to vote in annual elections. Each member is expected to give first priority to those events listed on the schedule as Company and/or Regimental events.

B) All members including civilians vote on Company business, including events, positions, policies, and expenditures. The exception is for Military field officers and NCOs; a member must have participated in the previous year in two events in a military capacity to vote on those positions. To receive an absentee ballot for any vote, you must request such at or before the previous monthly meeting.

C) Company nominations will be held in November, elections to be held in December. Nominations will be reopened before the December vote. A member must be active in the unit in good standing for a minimum of one year in order to run for any office.

D) Elected positions include Company Adjutant and Civilian Coordinator, as well as field positions. Field positions include a Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 1st & 2nd Sergeants, & 1st & 2nd Corporals. The Captain of the Company serves a two year term; all other field positions serve a one year term.

E) All appointed positions, their appointees, and their duties shall be defined by the Captain. This will typically include chaplain, ordnance officer, webmaster, and quartermaster, among other positions.

F) Company dues are $25 a year, and are payable on Jan 1st of the year. Members who do not pay by March 1st will be cut from the rolls unless an exemption is granted. If a family joins, the fourth and greater member(s) shall be eligible for a 50% discount on annual dues.

G) You must attend two official Company meetings to be voted in (by majority vote), although these may be at special meetings as called per the Company officer.

H) Members must be 12 years old at a minimum to be voted in as full members.

I) Full (or Dual, under some circumstances) members who register with the Company for an event with a registration fee, and attend the event, are liable for the full amount of the registration fee.

J) Monthly regular meetings will be held every 2nd Thursday of the month, except as agreed upon by a majority of the membership on a case-by-case basis or in an emergency by the Captain (meeting place closed, etc.).

K) Anyone may be voted in as an "Honorary Member", and will owe no annual dues, but will not receive any funds towards event registration, nor will they count towards the "full member" count for Regimental votes. They may not hold office nor vote in any matter or election.

L) Anyone may be voted in as an "Associate Member", and will owe 1/2 annual dues, but will not receive any funds towards event registration, nor will they count towards the "full member" count for Regimental votes. They may not hold office nor vote in any matter or election. If an associate member registers with the 12th Va Co. B for an event, they must attend with us, not another unit!

M) Anyone may be voted in as a "Dual Membership Member" if they are in another Reenacting unit. They will owe full annual dues. They must designate a "Primary" unit, and may vote in any matter or election. They may hold office in 12th Va Co. B (if they do not hold office elsewhere), will count towards the "full member" count for Regimental votes, and will receive funds towards event registration, if they have designated 12th Va Co. B as their "primary" unit. If a dual member registers with the 12th Va Co. B for an event, they must attend with us, not another unit!

N) In January of each year, the Company will set the annual schedule as best as information allows. At a minimum, a date will be set for an annual "School of the Soldier" in February or March. Members will also vote for two events to be supported as regimental events (one Living History and one Battle reenactment). The Company Board of Directors Representative(s) will vote for these accordingly at the regimental BOD meeting in February.

O) Guests and "Fall-ins": If someone who is not a member desires to fall in with our ranks, he is required to complete and sign a non-member form (available from Captain or online at Yahoo site) that relieves us of some liability for their actions. It also requires that they will camp, drill, and form up with us under our unit leadership, and obey reasonable commands at events they participate with us.

4) Discipline:

A) Should any member of the regiment fail to execute any reasonable order of a superior officer, the commanding officer is empowered to investigate, determine the facts, and take whatever action he deems appropriate, short of permanent dismissal. Should the conduct of any member or recruit of the Company be detrimental to the well being of the Company, the commanding officer may at his discretion, suspend the individual from participation with the Company for such time as he feels warranted. In serious cases, individuals may be permanently dismissed from the Company by a majority vote of the active membership.

5) Camp life and the role of the Quartermaster:

A) All members are expected to assist in setup, maintenance, and tear down of communal camp equipment, as well as assist when needed with camp duties (firewood, water, etc.) We do have a Quartermaster who keeps up with Company gear, as well as a trailer to carry it. Personal property other than tent poles will not be carried on the Company trailer except in an emergency.

B) To assist with the difficulties of the Quartermaster job, the Quartermaster will be reimbursed as follows: He/She will present a receipt for gas bought within a week of an event, along with a written record of mileage for the event. The Quartermaster will be reimbursed by Company funds at the rate of 10% of their cost of a gallon of gas X mileage incurred. This ensures the Quartermaster is compensated fairly even though the cost of fuel may vary. The Quartermaster is expected to attend all official Company events, and bring the trailer/needed equipment, or make arrangements for someone else to carry the trailer/equipment as needed.

6) Finances:

1) Except where financial obligations are defined elsewhere in these policies, the membership must vote by majority at a regular meeting for all expenditures of Unit funds above $100. The Company Captain may authorize expenditures up to $100 for uses to benefit the Company without majority approval.

2) The unit does occasionally host a scholarship. Whether to do so or not, and the amount to be awarded, varies and is at the discretion of the majority of the membership at a regular meeting. Unless decided otherwise, below are the requirements:

-All applicants must be a full member in good standing, be caught up on dues and fees, attended a minimum of two regular meetings in the last 12 months, and have participated in two Company events.

-All applicants must be a full time student (12+ credit hours per semester) at an accredited institution, recognized business school, or be a full time participant in an apprenticeship program recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

-Show proof of having received a minimum GPA of 2.5 or netter for the previous grading period

-Complete a 3-5 page essay relating to the past or present history of the 12th Va Infantry or the American Civil War. Essays may be expository, narrative, or creative in nature, and must contain accurate documentation of sources. ESSAYS BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE 12TH VA Co. B and used as the unit sees fit.

-Provide proof of attendance at said institution: acceptance letters, registration receipts, etc. are acceptable.

-Fill out, sign, and submit signed application form (available from Captain or at the Recruiter's Desk). -Submit the application with all required documents to the Unit Captain by the June meeting of the given year. No late applications to be accepted.

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